JUNE, 2010
Making a Difference
Healthy Kids, Healthy Staff, Healthy Schools
Two years ago the McAllen ISD Board of Education voted to select the PCI Clinic for the employees. In addition, the Board approved a $5 copay.
During the intervening two years, employees have had a chance to get their illnesses taken care of quickly and report right back to work.
The role of the clinic means that the ISD work force can make sure that the children of McAllen are well taken care of. It also means that the taxpayers of McAllen are assured of a health plan that saves money.
The H1N1 health scare this last school year made employees and citizens equally focused on a healthy school environment. Monitoring the school for illness took on new meaning. McAllen ISD, parents, kids, and staff pulled together to get the necessary shots and quick contact with health care professionals.
The up coming school year will probably not be much different than this one in relationship to health. With people traveling all over the world, illness will pop up in the school environment.
For McAllen AFT’s part we have enclosed a PCI health clinic information flyer with almost every newsletter sent out to all employees.
We also have worked hard to encourage the MISD staff to use the varied services of the clinic.
As most of you are aware, the McAllen AFT lobbied the MISD Board of Education for the Clinic. A healthy staff is a top priority for the AFT. During the H1N1 health scare last year, we were designated a mobilization center by AFT. We prepared to mobilize 300 members to solve sudden health concerns. Our conference room was designated as a call center for the Valley.
The following are testimonials regarding the PCI Health Clinic: In my first year of teaching I noticed my health starting to go down. I decided to go the PCI Clinic since it was very affordable and have been going ever since. The Clinic keeps me healthy to be at school and be able to do my job. Very satisfied with the services and it being close to school. I can go there and get back to school on time without having to miss classes—S.C.
Use it a lot. It is clean and everyone is always nice. I always get in and out very quickly. They explain in detail to me. Very satisfied—N.C.
My husband was very surprised and totally happy with the co-pay. Very satisfied with the quality of services provided.—A.N.
Very convenient, it’s like a One Stop Shop, where you can get everything done. It’s quick and works great with my schedule, it’s normally in and out. Doctors are wonderful and most of all the co-pay is great in this economy. Hope it is something that we keep—M.A.
Dr. Stinson helped me lose 105 lbs., and I feel so much better—M.P.
Loved it! It was recommended by my heart doctor. It’s so convenient. I can go right after school and walk in after 4 p.m. I hope that they don’t take it away. MRI’s and x-rays w/copy of $5.00. They want to make it a “one stop” health clinic by adding an allergy center, classes for patients with histories of heart disease and high cholesterol—T.I.
Very pleased with the services. Everyone was professional. I’ll go back. I feel that it’s the same as going to my own family doctor—B.N.
It’s the only place my husband will go now. He feels very comfortable going. He now wants to work on being healthy for his retirement years—J.M.
The doctors really listen, counsel, and give advice on being healthy. You are not just in and out in five minutes. Very comforting—R.M.
I’m a single mom and health care is a big concern. Thank you PCI—C.M.
With the demanding schedule we have in the McAllen schools the clinic has made a vast difference in getting better quicker—P.B.
The Details
The doctors are as follows: Darryl L. Stinson, Audrey Jones, and Allan Kapilivsky. The nurse is Beatriz Bautisa.
The services provided are primary care, wellness and imaging. Imaging includes MRI, CAT Scan, Nuclear Medicine, OBGYN, and cardiac ultrasound.
Procedures include CT/CTA, Virtual Bronchoscopy, Echocardiogram, and digital x-ray.
Allergy testing is also being offered.
Dr. Jones, physician at the clinic, will soon begin wellness classes focusing on the heart, diabetes, pulmonary problems, and more.
Please watch for an announcement coming soon.
If you have concerns, call the clinic and let them know you.
The awesome staff including Dr. Stinson help me lose 105 pounds thus avoiding Gastric Bypass Surgery!
A Few Little Ideas
What do a kiss, chicken noodle soup, and a hug have in common? Well, remember when you were just a little kid with a “boo boo” on your knee? Mommy would “kiss it . . . All better!”
A bowl of chicken noodle soup helped make your cough, sniffles or flu go away faster. That “magic” hug worked every time to make you smile.
Now that you’re all grown up, where can you and your family (if on the health plan) go to feel that same comfort!
Visit the clinic, where all the patients young or old leave feeling . . …...”ALL BETTER!”