Volume 16, Issue 1
September, 2007
Insurance hike
The McAllen ISD Board of Education approved a 7% increase in health insurance rates on September 24, 2007.
Basic Plan—employee only (increase of $2), employee & one child (increase of $11), employee & spouse (increase of $19), 2 persons employed—family ($increase of $11), employee & family (increase of $23).
High Plan—employee only (increase of $5), employee & one child (increase of $13), employee & spouse (increase of $25), 2 persons employee—family (increase of $20), employee & family (increase of $31).
Low Plan—Generic drugs will cost $2.50 (not $5 as last year)
Basic Plan—brand formulary will be $25 (no increase) and Brand-non Formulary will be $45 (no increase).
High Plan—Generic drugs will be $2.50 (decrease of $2.50), Brand-Formulary will be $20 (no increase, Brand-non Formulary will be $35 (no increase).
With increasing health insurance rates the McAllen ISD health plan will also have a tightening of medical testing—one hospital in McAllen has dramatically increased cost of testing—more second opinions will be requested by the third-party administrator supervising our plan. We want the health plan to financially break even—thus more questioning of excessive charges.
90 Day Supply of drugs will also be available at select retail pharmacies. If you are interested in more details you can contact our new drug provider SunRX at 1-800-786-1791 for a pharmacy listing.
In December, 2006 when the American Federation of Teachers sent two teams into McAllen the issues our members ask us to work on were better wages and better health care. WE ARE WORKING ON WHAT YOU ASK US TO DO. A health clinic for all employees is badly needed. The MISD Board of Education needs to focus on the health of employees.
Special information and decisions
McAllen ISD has received $4 million through Region I for High School Redesign. What about instruction in other than the core classes in high school? Will Career and Technology disappear? What about the arts? What about sports?
TEA has been awarded a Superior Rating for financial integrity. Attorneys fees (Atlas Hall) for the school year 07-08 will be capped at $200,000, but special education fees, grievance costs, and more are not included. Rowe will receive $178,000;
Open forum presentation
September 10, 2007
During this school year, the McAllen AFT will be presenting Time Equivalency Training (or CPE) for our members and their guests. We are listed on Texas Education Agency SBEC Web site as an approved provider of Time Equivalency Training. So far this year we have offered a workshop on Bullying and another on How to Make an A+ on the PDAS. We have five (5) trainers among our members to help provide CPE workshops including Middle School Math, and Elementary Science.
Next week the McAllen AFT will be sending a team to
We continue to ask that you provide a health clinic for all employees with no copay and generic drugs free. The MISD Board of Education may have adequate health coverage, but many employees of the district do not.
We were very proud when McAllen ISD was able to sell the 2005 Bonds in total for $98 million. The Jacobs Project Managers have worked hard to help the district earn $8.4 million in interest. We ask that you go back to the list of projects that we started with in 2004 and 2005 and were not able to do and prioritize them and complete those with the bond interest.
In addition, you need to consider math and science in the elementary and middle school campuses. Those teaching math and science in middle and elementary school are just as deserving as high school teachers in regard to an extra stipend. Another question for elementary is are your science labs up to the task of bring up test scores—we don’t believe they are.
Lastly, we ask that the superintendent and the MISD Board of Education monitor funds closely so that those who are forced into teaching on Saturday are paid. Last year money ran out and people were told that they were not team players if they did not work on Saturday for free.
Thank you.